How do I Unblock My DPF Filter without Removing It?

 Mahar Raza


How do I Unblock My DPF Filter without Removing It?

A filter which allows lower the quantity of hazardous particles which may be emitted from the diesel exhaust of your truck is called a diesel particulate filter, or DPF for short. To prevent those dangerous particles from reaching the air and harming your car, the filter is built to capture any unburned particles. But it’s extremely simple for this ash and debris to accumulate in your DPF filter, which might cause it to function badly or not at all. To make sure it’s operating correctly, it’s advised that you inspect and wash this filter periodically. However, many individuals might not be aware of the best approach for Exhaust DPF Cleaning which will be discussed below.

About DPFs 

Drivers in the UK continue to favour diesel vehicles notwithstanding the country’s zero emissions policy, in part because the cost of diesel fuel has finally caught up to that of regular unleaded petrol. Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) are standard equipment on all contemporary diesel automobiles made after 2009. To ensure that diesel engines fulfil environmental regulations for cleaner air, DPFs are the ones in charge of lowering the emissions and dangerous particles they create. Owners of diesel engines must comprehend the significance of a DPF as well as how to properly take care of it. Cleaning your diesel engine’s DPF is essential for engine maintenance. Soot buildup along with other pollutants in the filter over time may lead to decreased engine efficiency, harm, and possibly fail an MOT test.

How Come My DPF Is Blocked?

Any diesel vehicle manufactured after 2009 will be equipped with a diesel particulate filter (DPF). The ingenious auto component collects the soot your vehicle produces while it burns off diesel. By keeping the toxic pollutants from your automobile from reaching the atmosphere, it helps to lower the amount of pollution it generates. However, your DPF is going to become blocked when the soot level accumulates over time. 

What Should I Do About the Blocked DPF in My Car?

Regeneration is the procedure your automobile must go through to burn off the soot which accumulates over time. Regeneration may be either passive or active, but it always aims to increase exhaust temperature to specifically target soot. Driving a minimum of 40 mph for 15 minutes or more on a motorway may start passive regeneration. By doing this, part of the soot in the filter can be burned off and the exhaust temperature will rise. Even after regeneration, a coating of ash will stay, and as it hardens over time, this could lead to issues for your DPF. The DPF warning light on your automobile will illuminate to alert you when the soot content reaches about 70%, at which time the vehicle’s performance may be restricted. When you reach 90%, you must substitute your DPF to prevent this level from rising.

Can My Engine Be Damaged by a Blocked DPF?

Your engine may sustain serious harm if the DPF becomes clogged. That’s a result of your engine working much harder to release the exhaust fumes which your clogged DPF is unable to. This may result in worse acceleration, more fuel usage, and a higher chance of leakage. By relieving the engine of this strain, DPF cleaning will improve the efficiency of your vehicle. If you ignore this filter for an extended time, you may experience other problems, such as melted filters, limited car power, & possibly a fracture in your DPF. While DPF cleaners are available to clean your car’s interior when regeneration isn’t possible, they won’t be able to clear a seriously blocked DPF. The best course of action if you’d like to see a noticeable improvement in the diesel particulate filter quality of your automobile is to have it professionally cleaned. 

Important lessons learned

If you take DPF cleaning very seriously, you can preserve the functionality of your car, cut down on dangerous emissions, and save money on repairs. Knowing how the DPF functions makes it simple to recognize warning indicators & carry out the required cleaning procedures. Examine the DPF indication light on your dashboard on an ongoing basis. If lit, it means the DPF needs to be cleaned. Remember that you may encourage passive regeneration by driving faster for longer periods.

How Much Time Does It Take to Clear a DPF?

The entire procedure of getting your car’s DPF cleaned at a competent facility may take up to two hours. A skilled technician may carry out forced regeneration on your DPF. A technician can remove the soot particles from your diesel particulate filter by burning them away through this operation.

Final Words

Long-term benefits of complete and frequent DPF cleaning include improved engine efficiency, higher fuel economy, & a more pleasurable and ecologically responsible driving experience. Remain educated, adhere to suggested procedures, and, where necessary, seek professional advice. Frequent DPF cleaning can guarantee that your car stays in top shape for many years to come.

About the author
Mahar Raza




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